AP does Bread and Roses

Bread & Roses 2015 ShortlistIn celebration of the Bread and Roses Award and to mark our collaboration with the London Radical Bookfair, we have invited 21 small press artists to respond to the books in this year’s shortlist.

An award like no other; presented by the Alliance of Radical Sellers, The Bread and Roses Award for Radical Publishing champions the best political non-fiction titles published each year – books that are often passed over by other book prizes because of their radical content.

Inspired by the whole book, a paragraph, the title, or even a summary/review found on the www., the responsive artworks will be displayed in a dedicated exhibition at Takeover 2015 on 9th May. The exhibition will chart a visual dialogue between artwork and publication – with three different artists responding to each of the seven shortlisted books.

The Bread and Roses Book Award Ceremony will take place at 5.00pm at Takeover 2015 and is supported not only by this exhibition but also by the shortlisted author talks throughout the day – all information here. This is the second AP does Bread and Roses Exhibition – the first with seven artists took place as part of the inaugural Takeover event at Bishopsgate Institute in 2014.

AP does Bread and Roses 2015: The Artists

Kevin Seven is an artist, screen-printer and member of the Minesweeper Collective – a group of onnit artistic characters aiming to make their collective ambitions a productive reality.

Mark Bonshek is a member of Alternative Press and an architect with a cross-disciplinary approach to materiality – working in timber, metal, ceramic, photo and print.

Mike Medaglia is a comics artist and illustrator. His current project One Year Wiser will be published in autumn 2015 by SelfMadeHero. Mike also draws a regular comic for The Huffington Post about Zen and modern life.

Julia Scheele is a freelance illustrator and graphic scribe who lives in London and also draws lots of comics, which she has been doing regularly, passionately, and against all odds since 2008.

Soofiya Chaudry is a graphic designer and typesetter. Her current project (while also studying for a MA in book design) is A Book for Two – a book which you cannot read alone – everything from size, format to content and typography is made for sharing.

Bear Guts  “Pictures of Spider-Man.  Not Spider-Man, the other one.  Wait, it’s not.  I don’t know.  Bear Guts is way cool.”

Rose Nordin is an illustrator and co-founder of OOMK – a highly visual, handcrafted small-press publication whose content largely pivots upon the imaginations, creativity and spirituality of women.

Mark Beechill is a writer, poet, zine-maker and a co-founder of < 500 Press. He is currently working on launching Foxhole Magazine – a new print-only arts and culture magazine promoting new art, photography, fiction and non fiction.

Dave Miller works both as an artist and academic. His art is about telling political stories which engage with current issues and forces affecting our lives.

Amneet Johal is a member of Alternative Press and an artist who makes zines and things – interested in being beyond-post-colonial and quantum mechanics, and the quantum mechanics of being beyond-post-colonial.

Joyce Treasure is a mixed media and multi-media artist interested in human behaviour, relationships, how we communicate, social issues and our relationship with identities and how these correspond with the source of our being.

Vicky Samuel is a member of Alternative Press, a graphic designer, illustrator, sign maker and cosmic screen printer – inspired  photos, skulls, the hubble telescope, holographic material, and the CMYK print process.

Sajan Rai is the comic artist and illustrator responsible for what he refers to as “Childish Butt-Vomit”, which can be described as both mundane and surreal. Additionally he is a core member of the comics and risograph printers Backwards Burd.

Jessica Akerman explores place and the processes of work, through the lens of folklore, social history and gender politics. She makes objects, films, narrative drawings, audio-visual installation and performances.

Beth Robb is an art director, illustrator, and graphic designer. Creativity for Beth is a pair of Willy Wonka-style psychedelic glasses through which she can view the wonder of life.

David Ziggy Greene is a comic creator, acclaimed illustrative reporter, and force behind Scene & Heard – the U.K’s only regular illustrated reportage as found in Private Eye magazine since 2011.

Dimitri Pieri human, artist, atheist, climber, thinker, writer, and a co-founder of Alternative Press – and champion of self-publishing and DIY.

Sabba Khan is an architectural designer by day and artist and member of Alternative Press by night. Her work is a representation of first world city life as a second generation South Asian Muslim migrant.

Danny Noble sometimes wakes up to find her hair has taken the look of Terry Wogan’s hair. She does comics and editorial illustration and is the autobiographical cartoonist of Monday Morning – published book and online strip about life and hangovers.

Keara Stewart is an art and comics lover who works in a library by day and draws by night. Her latest project a Bad Dreams and Nightmares Anthology will be launched at Takeover 2015 and includes work from some seriously talented small press artists.

Juliet Sugg is a freelance artist and illustrator. Combining a curiosity for the weird and wonderful with a passion for making things, she specialises in narrative art and storytelling.



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